Electronic Targets at Midland

The Board of Directors at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club approved the purchase of five (5) Silver Mountain Targets during their November meeting.  As a result the club is providing a deposit to Stallings Machine (the Right Sight people and importers of the Silver Mountain Targets).

We would expect delivery and deployment in time for the summer league in 2016. Perhaps before.

Watch for more details here…..

2015 BSA Halloween Charity Match

The 2015 BSA Halloween Charity Match was conducted on November 7, 2015 at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club in Midland, Michigan.  The normal Halloween date was postponed due to the F-Class Nationals, which just completed.

It was a cold, windy day, top temperature was in the high forties, but a good deal of gusty wind chilled the competitors.  Several shooters had weird shots appear a good distance off call for a shot or two, and then end up back in the “X” without a change.  Just an odd day.  However, it was still better than working….

The F-TR winner was Doug Boyer with a 590-12X, with John Luitink winning the Any Rifle category with a 593-29X.

With the contributions of Solomon Diving, the Midland County Sportsman’s Club, and the Michigan Rifle and Pistol Association more than $600 was contributed to the Venture Crew.

2015 Halloween BSA Charity Match Final

2015 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League – Match 5

Okay, it was the 17th of October.  It felt like the 17th of December.  We started in the mid-thirties, and ended in the low forties.  However, with the wind it was at times biting.  With everyone and their uncle on the way to Phoenix for the F-Class Nationals, attendance was light.

Four sling shooters, and 1.33 F-classers.  Just enough for an equal number of shooters and pit pullers.

Jake Bondy continues to drill ’em with his .223, a nice 598-35X to lead the sling shooters.  Tony Perry was the high of the 1.33 F-classers with a 540-4X.  Ray Gross was the 1/3 shooter, he only fired one twenty shot string.

2015 SMRP Match 5

Did I mention the near snow (ice crystals) that was falling when we finished?  Frankly, I was pleased to get back into my warm Mustang, and wasn’t tempted at all to put the top down.

Next match is the Halloween BSA Charity Match on November 7, 2015.  Come on out, and bring your friends.  We will get pit service, and the Explorer Crew from Midland should make some money to assist in their activities for 2015-2016.

2015 September – Suburban Mid-Range Prone Results

An interesting day at MCSC.  We had eleven (11) shooters, seven (7) sling (Target Rifle), and four (4) F-TR.

Peter Church was high Target Rifle with a 600-43X with scope.  In the Suburban Mid-Range Prone League that is the highest score ever recorded.   The next closest dated from July 4, 2009 and was a 600-41X with irons.   To provide an understanding about how difficult it is to produce this score, I counted more than ten (10) 599s shot since about 2004.

The next Suburban Mid-Range (and last for 2015) will be held on October 17, 2015.  Look in “Events” for details.

SMRP Match 5

2015 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship Results

On a day with a delayed start due to the heaviest fog I’ve see in the past five years twenty-two (22) competitors produced at least three National Records (still need to review all of the scores), and named two State Champions.  After the fog cleared we were met with clouds that opened to intermittently sunny moments.  When those occurred it was simply Africa hot.  The heat coupled with the humidity made for a miserable day for competing wearing a shooting jacket, but pleasant to be scoring in a T-shirt and shorts.

In the Any Rifle category, John Luitinik repeated his performance in the Michigan Fullbore Championship by producing a 595-38X to best Pete Church’s 595-31X.  Notably, Pete’s 77th birthday was a couple of days prior.  Pete is still impressing us.

In the F-TR category, Bryan Litz posted a 598-44X to win the category.  Paul Phillips was second with a 595-36X.

2015 Mid-Range Prone Championship Results

2015 July Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match

We had thirteen shooters on what was for me personally the hottest day that I’ve shot on this year.  For all of that, it was only about 85 F.  Probably says something about how cool the year has been.

It was a still day, so scores should have been high, however, our shooters seemed to be dealing with a raft of equipment issues.  So other than the leaders, scores were down.

Amongst the sling shooters, Peter Church set the pace with a 599-29X with his Palma rifle.  Pete was clearly showing that he is ready for the 2015 National Fullbore and World Championships to be held at Camp Perry, Ohio in August.  Pete was closely followed by Paul Larson with a 598-31X.

In the F-Class category, the high F-TR shooter was Tom Majewski with a 589-21X, followed by Al Walewski with a 586-17X.

Our next match at Midland will be the Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship on Saturday, September 5, 2015 (the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend).  Watch our schedule pages for updates.

2015 SMRP Match 3


2015 Suburban Mid-Range Prone June Match

A gray overcast day, but light winds, and almost no rain (other than a couple of drips).  Seven shooters, with the simple majority going to the sling guys.  Probably the first time in a couple of years, where the sling weenies out numbered the F-Classers.  We’ll take it!

In the Sling category Leo Cebula and John Luitink both finished one down, but Leo posted 36X to John’s 34X.  In F-Class, F-Open shooter Jarrod Methner dropped only two for a 598-38X, impressing his fiancee (who we will never see again after the wedding) who observed the match.

The next match is July 11, 2015.  Look it up in Events.

SMRP Match 2

2015 Michigan Fullbore Rifle Prone Championship

The 2015 Michigan Fullbore Rifle Championship was shot on a day that started with frost warnings, but ended in an absolutely gorgeous Michigan spring day.  The winds were gentle.  Just enough to keep the barrel mirage from disturbing your aim, but not enough to disrupt the path of the bullet to the target.

In the Target Rifle aggregate, the winner and state champion was decided between seven (7) shooters separated by one point (446-447).  Ultimately, Kevin Nevius from Ohio (the state to our south, you know:  You are now entering Ohio, turn your watch back 25 years, that Ohio).  Kevin, a two time national smallbore prone champion posted a 447-25X besting the other three 447s and both 446s.  For resident state champion, two shooters produced 447-23X (John Luitink, and Peter Church).  Their tie was broken by 15.4b(1), as such John Luitink is named the Michigan Fullbore Rifle Champion (TR) for 2015.

In F-TR, Bill Litz posted a 446-21X to become the Michigan Fullbore Rifle Champion (F-TR) for 2015.  There were insufficient entries in F-Open to provide an award.

John Luitink (l) receives his 2015 Michigan Fullbore Prone Championship plaque from Charles Hayes, Secretary MRPA
John Luitink (l) receives his 2015 Michigan Fullbore Prone Championship plaque from Charles Hayes, Secretary MRPA



Bill Litz (l) receives his 2015 Michigan Fullbore Championship Plaque from Leo Cebula, President Michigan Rifle and Pistol Association.

2015 Michigan Fullbore Rifle Championship

2015 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 1 – May

The first Suburban Mid-Range Prone league was held on Sunday, May 17, 2015.  We had eleven shooters, who had the opportunity to shoot on Silver Mountain targets.  By and large the experience was positive.

The match ran on three targets with four relays and consisted of a 3×600.  We started around 9:15 AM.  All four relays completed at 12:10 PM.  Right around three (3) hours to complete four relays of a 3×600.

SMRP Match 1

F-Class using tablet to view shot location and score

An F-Class competitor using a tablet to view shot location and value.

Sling shooter using tablet

Jake Bondy using a tablet as above.

Target with microphones at the corners

Target with microphones in the corners.

Target Controller

Target controller.

2015 Winter Mid-Range Prone League

Note:  The Suburban Mid-Range Prone League starts on Sunday, May 17, 2015.  We are shooting on Sunday to give our competitors an opportunity to shoot on Electronic Targets.  We will have 2 or 3 Silver Mountain Targets operational for the Sunday shoot (3×600).

If you are available come on out and try the targets.  This is likely the wave of the future, and will eliminate trips to the pits, except for set-up and tear down.

Remember that date:  Sunday, May 17, 2015!!

Match 4 – May:  2015 WMRP Match 4

Six shooters on an almost perfect day to shoot.  Of the six of us, only Jake Bondy shot a score worthy of note:  200-15X with his 6XC.  Excellent score no matter what you used.

Match 3 – April:  2015 WMRP Match 3

No particular news (I was out of town).

Match 2 – April:  2015 WMRP Match 2

Outstanding day to shoot.  Relatively gentle breezes, temperatures in the 40’s, sun (quite bright for good sight pictures).  Six shooters enjoyed the day.  Two sling, four F-Class.

Next potential match is Saturday, April 18, 2015.  Watch for an email on Friday the 17th for information.

Match 1 – March:  2015 WMRP Match 1

An interesting day.  The weather man had given up on rain, but when we arrived at the range, there was rain.  Not a lot of rain, but rain nonetheless.  After about a 45 minute delay, we finally got started, and everyone got to try to work the bugs out of their equipment, and themselves.

John Pierce shooting F-TR seemed to make it happen quicker amongst the F-TR shooters posting a 392-13.  Jake Bondy, one of the two sling shooters finished up with another 392, but with only 12 X’s.  For the cool overcast conditions both did well.