2024 Winter Mid-Range Prone Match 2

Six (6) competitors came out to the second Mid-Range Prone League Match at Midland County Sportsman’s Club.

High score across the board was Ray Gross with a 398-18X with a Palma Rifle.

For F-Open Mike Ruhlman was high competitor with a 386-9X besting Greg OConnor by a single point.

Kyle Matzelle was high service rifle with a 366-4X.

Charlies Hayes was by himself in F-TR and fired a 375-2X.

Due to the World Long Range Championship in Bloemfontein, South Africa there will be no matches in March 2024. We will resume on the 6th of April. The program is 2024 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program 2.

2024 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 1

Remington RIP. Seth Stoneburner’s late range partner

Sixteen (16) shooters came out for the first Winter Mid-Range Prone League match on February 3, 2024.

The high F-Open shooter was Seth Stoneburner with a 399-27X followed by Cruz Stoneburner with a 396-13X.

In F-TR the high shooter was Tony Perry with a 398-28X, followed by Don Hicks with a 394-21X

For Palma Rifle, the high shooter was Nathan Abrams with 398-22X followed by Ray Gross with a 395-20X.

Lastly the high service rifle shooter was Kyle Matzelle with a 394-23X followed by David Richmond with a 380-8X.

Compete results:

2024 WMRP Match 1

The next Winter Mid-Range is scheduled for February 24, 2024. The league program is 2024 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program 2

2023 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match

Ten (10) stubborn competitors and Ray’s Golden came out to the Midland County Sportsman’s Club for the Annual New Year’s Eve Rifle Match.

The four (4) F-Open shooters were lead by Cruz Stoneburner with a score of 399-23X.

In F-TR there were three (3) shooters lead by Richard Dixon with an outstanding 400-24X.

There were three (3) Service Rifle shooters, and this group was lead by Kyle Matzelle with a 396-20X.

Ray Gross provided awards for the competition:

Final Results:  2023 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match

Next potential match will be on February 3, 2024.  Program is:  2024 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program 2

2023 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match

On Saturday, November 25, 2023 eight (8) shooters came out to fire the Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match. With temperatures that rose all the way to 27 F it identified with the match name. No tent, yet. So the shooters were out in the open, and subject to the low temperatures.

Cruz Stoneburner was high F-Open  in a field of three (3) with a 398-17X. Robin Retzloff was high and only F-TR with a 397-18X. Ray Gross was high and only Palma Rifle shooter with a 395-18X. Lastly Robert Dotson was high Service rifle in a field of two (2) with a 385-18X.

2023 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match

Our next match will tentatively be the New Year’s Eve Rifle Match. Watch here to see if it will be held.

2023 Halloween BSA Charity Match Results

On what many thought was going to be a rainy day, four (4) competitors fired the 2023 Halloween BSA Charity Match.  We put up our rain pop-ups, and ran four (4) targets in the air. It didn’t rain at all. It may have rained around us, but we didn’t even need the pop-ups. Just a gentle day to shoot.

With only four (4) shooters, we ran a single relay, and completed before 11:00 AM.  The results are below:

2023 Halloween BSA Charity Match

Solomon Diving contributed $300, MCSC provided $80 ($20/competitor), and another competitor kicked in another $20. So, the Venture Crew walked away with $400. Additionally, Pierce Engineering has committed to providing an additional $300 to the Venture Crew.

Bret Solomon handing contributions of $400 to the Venture Crew.

Next match will be the Annual Foul Weather Rifle match on November 25, 2023. Program is: 2023 Annual Foul Weather