2020 Halloween BSA Charity Shoot

On November 7th in the year of COVID, the Midland County Sportsman’s Club ran their annual Halloween BSA Charity Match. Venturing Crew 7772 provided score keepers and assisted in target set up and tear down.

Eleven (11) competitors took part in the match, eight (8) were F-Class and three (3) were sling shooters across three categories.

The match was able to provide $840.00 to the Venturing Crew, which will provide operating funds for 2021. We especially would like to thank Bret Solomon from Solomon Diving, John Pierce from Pierce Engineering, Charles Hayes, and the couple of shooters who turned down their change from a $50 payment for entry fee.

Bret Solomon awarding the checks from the donors to the Venturing Crew members.

2020-2021 Snow Country English Match Series – Match 1

On November 4, 2020, the Grand Rapids Club fired their first match of the 2020-2021 season. Five competitors attended and began the league for the new season. Then on November 7, 2020 the Howell Gun Club ran their first Snow Country match of the season. Six competitors attended. Great start for the new season.

This season will see the start of decimal scoring for the league. Instead of a total possible score of 600, it will be possible to shoot a 654. So we should see quite a number of scores over 600. However, we should see some real differentiation between scores, especially for F-Class.

2020-2021 Snow Country English Match Series

We have established the dates and locations for the subject smallbore rifle league. The program is: https://www.semno.org/Programs/2020-2021%20Snow%20Country%20English%20Match%20Series.pdf

This year we will be making a change to machine scoring. Locations will decimal score all firing using either Orion systems or Target Scan off of a phone camera. This should provide use with a better mechanism to differentiate between performances, especially in F-class.

3×600 Scores of 600 2006 to Date

When Chris Whitney fired a 600-41X for his first 600 on a 3×600 course of fire, I commented that I believed it had been done only five times previously. I was incorrect. I has been done at Midland eight (8) times previously (since 2006 which is when I started using Access to produce the results).

  • Leo Cebula – July 2009
  • Peter Church – September 2015
  • Peter Church – September 2017
  • Ray Gross – June 2018
  • Ray Gross – July 2018
  • Peter Church – July 2019
  • Ray Gross – September 2020
  • Chris Whitney – October 2020

Arguably, Midland is an easy range. At least part of the year it is easy. As I thumbed through the scores for about seven (7) matches per year since 2006, I was surprised with the variability of winning scores. Some were surprisingly low, others were at the none, one, or two down. The lows were not necessarily matches with small turn-outs. Rather, they appeared to be days where the wind was not dopeable.

At any rate this was a fun exercise to keep my mind active during my retirement.


2020 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 4 Results

On the 3rd of October in the year of COVID (2020) we conducted the last Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match of the season. Twelve (12) shooters came out on a cool, but relatively still day.

We had one important milestone, Chris Whitney shooting a Scoped Any Rifle with Sling posted a 600-41X for the high Any Rifle. I believe this is only the fifth 600 posted at the Midland Range (I admit I could be overlooking a couple more, but they are damned scarce). So this is quite an achievement. Good job, Chris.

For the F-Open, Tony Dekelaita fired a 594-34X for highest score. Steve Goyette was high F-TR with a 589-22X, and Ray Gross was the high Palma Rifle with a 596-41.

Our next match at MCSC will be the Halloween BSA Charity Match on November 7, 2020. Click here for the program.

2020 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match 3 Results

On a sunny, but surprisingly cool morning (try 33 F in September), we had twelve (12) shooters compete in the third Suburban Mid-Range Prone match of 2020.

Ray Gross shot the score he should have shot two weeks ago in the State Mid-Range Prone Championship. However, today he busted a 600-39Xs. It certainly wasn’t Ray’s first 600, and hopefully not his last either. It was a very nice score from a .223 Palma Rifle.

Mike Ruhlman was high F-Open with a 597-34X. Lastly Doug Boyer was the only F-TR shooter, and finished with a 573-8X, a far cry from his State Championship finish. We have to wonder what broke.

2020 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship

The 2020 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship was held on Saturday, September 5, the year of the Coronavirus (2020). There was a few of milestones reached for this match:

  1. The largest turnout we have ever had. We had 32, which is capacity. We have had matches prior that filled to capacity the week before, but with “morning of” cancelations we had never had a full line before.
  2. During this match we added competitor 424 in our database (Robert O’Donnel). At the same time we had competitor 1 from the database (Ed Gostomski) as a competitor.
  3. For the first time in a long, long time, we had more sling shooters than F-class (Thank you, Jamie Root!).
  4. We had sufficient entries to have awards for five categories: F-Open, F-TR, Any Rifle, Palma Rifle, and Service Rifle.

The day was overcast and ultimately rainy. After a vote was conducted it was decided to shoot the entire match at 600 yards, and to deploy our rain covers on the line. So, you tended to get damp when you weren’t shooting, but you and your equipment stayed dry while you were shooting.

So, we have quite a list of winners:

Any Rifle: Chris Whitney with a 599-37X, out Xing Matt Wieczorek who posted a 599-25X.

F-open: Mike Ruhlman wins in a run away with 598-34X besting Dave Strycharz with a 593-25X.

F-TR: Doug Boyer with a score almost high enough to win in F-Open 598-33X. It was a contest with Austin Nelson finishing second with a 596-34X.

Palma: Hanne Brantner won the Palma Category with a dominating 598-39X over Jamie Root with a 593-29X. Since Hanne is not a Michigan Resident, Jamie is named high Michigan Palma Shooter.

Service Rifle: Tim Plowman fired a 587-20 besting Brock Murphy who fired a 583-22X. Unfortunately, neither Tim nor Brock are Michigan Residents, so Gordon Mason is named high Michigan Service Rifle Shooter.

2020 Suburban Mid-Range League Match 2

On Saturday the 18th of July 2020, we got together for the second Mid-Range Prone Match of the 2020 season. If all had been well, this would have been fired on July 4, 2020, and the Michigan Fullbore Championship would have been fired on May 23rd. However, thanks to Coronavirus that was not to be.

At any rate, this was the third weekend in a row that had a match on it. The 4th was the Fullbore Championship, the 11th and 12th was the Michigan Long range championship, and finally the 18th was this match. That kept the turnout low. Six (6) Shooters, and only five (5) scorecards turned in.

Our day was increasingly warm, and humid. However, we pulled out the awnings and we were able to cover the line and finished by 11:30 AM. As payment for the heat and humidity, Mother Nature gave us easy conditions. For a couple of strings, it felt like weather to check your zero in.

The High Target Rifle Shooter was Ray Gross with a 597-32X, beating Jamie Root, 597-25 by seven (7) “X’s”. The high and only F-Open shooter was Marcel Bollinger with a 592-22X.

2020 Michigan Fullbore Prone Championship

After a coronavirus delay of about seven (7) weeks the 2020 Michigan Fullbore Prone Championship was finally held. Twenty-one (21) shooters participated in this years event. We had eight (8) F-Open shooters, five (5) F-TR shooters, seven (7) Target Rifle (Sling) shooters, and one Mid-Range prone shooter with an Any Rifle who shot for fun.

The F-Open was a contest between Marcel Bollinger and Al Barnhart. Marcel was victorious with a 447-22X to Al’s 446-29X.

In F-TR, Paul Phillips dominated the field firing a 445-23X compared to his second place challenger, Tom Martelle who posted a 441-21X.

In the Target Rifle (Sling) category it was a run for the money between visiting Hanne Brantner from Pennsylvania and Midland local, Ray Gross. Hanne was the winner with a 449-28X over Ray’s 448-29X. Per Michigan Rifle and Pistol Association rules, Hanne cannot be named Michigan Champion due to residency. As a result, Ray is named the Target Rifle Champion.

2020 Fullbore Champions: (left to right); Paul Phillips, F-TR Champion; Hanne Brantner, Target Rifle Winner; Ray Gross, Target Rifle Champion. Not Pictured: Marcel Bollinger, F-Open Champion.

2020 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 1 Results – June 13, 2020

We had sixteen (16) shooters turn out for the first Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match of 2020. Normally, we would have started in May, but due to Governor Whitmer’s executive orders in response to the Coronavirus Crisis we were not allowed to conduct any matches.

Conditions were pleasantly cool, and sunny. However, we were dealing with a strong, gusty wind. From those who tried to dope it, many commented that it was almost undopeable.

There were some interesting scores fired. Jamie Root was the high sling shooter with a 597-26X. Of note, is his closest competitor was twelve (12) points behind. I believe Jamie was benefiting from a hard hold, and nuclear 223 handloads (MZ over 3100 fps with 85.5 Bergers).

in the F-Open Category Marcel Bollinger bested the pack with a 590-26X. He too was seven (7) points ahead of his closest challenger.

Finally, in F-TR Tom Fisher was high with a 583-15X, a handy fifteen (15) points of his nearest competitor.

The next match at Midland will be the Michigan Fullbore Prone Championship, postponed from May 23 to July 4, 2020. The program is: