2020-2021 Snow Country Results to 2-13-2021

First scores in February, from Grand Rapids on the 4th, Howell on the 6th, and Monroe on the 13th and Muskegon on the 13th:

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 1

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 2

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 3

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 4

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 5

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 6

Next matches are in February:  Howell – 27th.  Program:  2020-2021 Snow Country English Match Series

2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Dates Announced

The Winter Mid-Range Prone League will be held at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club in Midland, Michigan on the following dates:

  • February 20, 2021
  • March 6, 2021
  • March 27, 2021
  • April 3, 2021
  • April 17, 2021
  • April 24, 2021

Given that we will be using a heated tent to shoot from, the typical temperature limits on dates will be ignored.  However, in the case where winter weather may cause extreme highway conditions we will maintain the right to cancel dates.  Watch this site for information before traveling on all of the above dates.

The match will be a 2×600, two twenty shot matches with unlimited sighters.  Program is:  2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program

2020 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match Results

On a cool, but sunny day we had seven (7) shooters competed in the Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match on November 28, in the year of COVID. With seven shooters this was the second highest participation in the past several years. Probably because it was close to a nice day for November in Michigan.

A sunny November day in Michigan:

High F-Open was Donald Hicks with a 397-24, Jake Sauve was high F-TR with a 397-17, and the only sling shooter was Leo Cebula with a 392-13.

And for a little perspective, a picture of me (Leo) congratulating Jake Sauve (Brad’s Son) for being high Junior in one of our state matches in around 2009-2010 time frame.

And a picture of Jake and I, yesterday in November 2020. I think he grew a little, and it looks like I lost a couple pounds.

As a rule this match is the last outdoor match of the year, with the possible exception of a New Year’s Eve match. We will wait a few weeks to decide whether or not shooting on New Year’s Eve would be possible. So, watch this site for an annoucement.

2020 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match

The Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match will be held on November 28, 2020 at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club (MCSC) stating at 10:00 AM. We will start squadding at approximately 9:15 AM. Please note this is one hour later than normal.

Get away from the family at Thanksgiving (assuming your family is courageous enough to gather this year). Come out to MCSC and enjoy cool, clean air, and shoot a rifle match.

2020 Halloween BSA Charity Shoot

On November 7th in the year of COVID, the Midland County Sportsman’s Club ran their annual Halloween BSA Charity Match. Venturing Crew 7772 provided score keepers and assisted in target set up and tear down.

Eleven (11) competitors took part in the match, eight (8) were F-Class and three (3) were sling shooters across three categories.

The match was able to provide $840.00 to the Venturing Crew, which will provide operating funds for 2021. We especially would like to thank Bret Solomon from Solomon Diving, John Pierce from Pierce Engineering, Charles Hayes, and the couple of shooters who turned down their change from a $50 payment for entry fee.

Bret Solomon awarding the checks from the donors to the Venturing Crew members.