2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match 2

The weather is getting hot, not quite Africa Hot, but pleasantly warm.  There was a breeze blowing, it did help to avoid Africa Hot, but it did cause some issues with scores.

We had nine (9) competitors, one fired a few shots, and decided his load wasn’t going to work, and left.  The other eight (8) were divided with five (5) F-Open shooters, and three (3) Any Rifle shooters (they may have all been shooting Palma Rifles, but I wasn’t sure).

The contest for high F-Open was decided by “X’s”.  Jim Weinrich and Dave Strycharz both posted 581s, with Jim having 21 X’s to Dave’s 18.  High F-Open was Jim Weinrich with a 581-21X.

Amongst the sling shooters, Mike Quillinan was high with a 585-23X.  We were pleased to see John Luitink come out for a match.  I think the last time we was John was several years ago.

2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 2

The next Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match is July 3, 2021.  Program is:  2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League

2021 Michigan Fullbore Rifle Prone Championship Results

On a nice, but surprisingly windy day over Memorial Day Weekend, the 29th of May 2021 the Michigan Fullbore Rifle Prone Championship was held.  Sixteen hardy competitors fired in winds of 10-20 MPH with sudden gusts.

A glimpse of the wind this morning.  Midland County is normally a relatively protected range.  Not so much today.  That flag was pretty consistent, but we suffered from varying gusts throughout the day.

Our State Champions this year are:

Larry Remsnyder, F-TR 440-15X, Marcel Bollinger, F-Open 444-21X, and for Target Rifle, Jamie Root 440-17X.

2021 Michigan Fullbore Rifle Championship

After today’s competition the competitors were treated to a Birthday Party luncheon in the block house at the range.  Ray Gross was celebrating his 18th anniversary of his 39th birthday.  Thank you, Nora Kay Folts, Ray’s significant other.

The next match at MCSC will be the second Suburban Mid-Range Prone League (a 3×600) on June 5, 2021.  Program is:  2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League.

2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match 1

On a Saturday where I was in Arizona (and the temperature hit the low 90’s each day), we had five (5) shooters come out for the first of the Suburban Mid-Range Prone matches for 2021. I would comment on the weather, but seeing how I wasn’t around, I have no clue.  I will admit that it appears that conditions got dicey as the day moved forward.  Many of the stage three (3) scores showed a drop.

The high F-Open was Marcel Bollinger with a 589-24X.  The high and only Palma Rifle shooter was Ray Gross with a 593-28X.

2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match 1

Our next match in May is the Michigan Fullbore Rifle Championship on May 29, 2021.  Program is:  2021 Michigan Fullbore Prone Championship.

The next Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match is on June 5, 2021.  The program is:  2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League.

2021 Winter MId-Range Prone League Match 6 Results

On a really pleasant, although overcast day, we had only five (5) shooters come out to compete.  Especially notable was the numbers, only one (1) F-Class Shooter, and four (4) Palma Shooters.

The high F-TR, and only F-TR was Charley Hayes with a 380-7X.  High Palma Shooter was Dan Altman with a 399-20X.  Interestingly Dan bested Ray Gross and Peter Church by one (1) point.  In the X count, either Ray or Peter were better.

2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League – Match 6

This was the last of the Winter Mid-Range Prone matches for 2021.  Next weekend, May 1, 2021 will be the first of the Suburban Mid-Range Prone League matches for 2021.  Program is:  2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League.

2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 5 Results

On a sunny April Saturday, we had ten (10) competitors for Match 5 of the Winter Mid-Range Prone League. We had four (4) F-Open shooters, three (3) F-TR shooters (including one new gentleman, Robert Burner), two (2) Palma shooters, and one (1) lonely any rifle competitor.

The high F-Open was Marcel Bollinger with a 392-14X, he was chased by Tony DeKelaita with a 390-16, and Dave Monette with a 390-13.

In F-TR the high shooter was Donald Hicks with a 389-7, followed by Charley Hayes with a 387-8.

In Palma, Ray Gross was high with a 394-19 followed by Leo Cebula with a 391-14.

The sole any rifle competitor was Mike Quillinan with a 393-23.

2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League – Match 5

The next and final Winter Mid-Range Prone League scheduled for 4/24/21.  The program is: 2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program.  Watch this spot for updates regarding weather for the match on the 24th.

2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 4 Final Results

On a day that was only a couple degrees shy of almost perfect when we started and perfect when we finished, we only were able to convince four (4) shooters to attend.

We had two (2) of each:  F-Open and Palma Rifle Shooters.  Tony Dekelaita was high F-Open with a 393-15X, and Ray Gross was high Palma with a 397-20X.

2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League – Match 4

The next potential date is April 17, 2021.  Program is:  2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program

2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 3 Results

We had seven (7) competitors out for the Winter Mid-Range Prone League at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club.  The weather was only slightly cool.  The good news was the tent was down.  The bad news was the tent was down.  You can take that however, you might like.

Of the seven (7) competitors we had four (4) different categories represented.  The high and only Any Rifle was Mike Quillinan with a 391-16.  High F-Open was Marcel Bollinger with a 398-25.  High and only F-TR was Charles Hayes with a 377-3.  High Palma Rifle by outlasting the second Palma shooter was Leo Cebula, with a 387-11.

2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League – Match 3

The next League match is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, April 3, 2021.  Shooting starts at 10:00 AM with squadding at 9:15 AM.  Program is:  2021 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program

2020-2021 Snow Country English Match Series – updates as of 3-20-2021

Results up to March 20, 2021:

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 1

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 2

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 3

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 4

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 5

2020-2021 Snow Country Match 6

As I go through the posting I felt it was worthwhile to review the high scores by Category:  So here they are:

Collegiate/Junior:          Collin Fox           592.7

F-Class Prone:                Ed Gostomski    638.0

Sling Prone:                    Dan Altman       630.6

March is upon us, so we have only one league match left:  March 27 – Muskegon.

We will be making cuts at determining who will be invited to the Shoot-Off on April 10, 2021 at Jackson.  We will make the final determinations after the last scores are entered from Muskegon.  Watch this spot!

Program is available:  2020-2021 Snow Country English Match Series