2022 Winter Mid-Range Prone Match 1 Results

The first Mid-Range Prone match of 2022 had Marisa Tundo fire a 396-21X to outpace her partner Dave Monette who posted a 393-10X in F-Open.  The other categories were lightly competed, but Brad Sauve was high (and only) F-TR with a 384-15X, Ray Gross was high (and only) Palma Rifle with a 399-25X, and Tom Feige was high service rifle with a 388-15X.

2022 Winter Mid-Range Match 1

The next match will likely be March 19, 2022.  However, watch this site for updates.  Program is:  2022 Winter Mid-Range Prone

2021 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match Results

On a relatively nice day (for December 31, in Michigan) twelve competitors came out to wish 2021 off into history.

High F-Open Shooter was Don Hicks with a 400-29X.  High Service Rifle was Kyle Matzelle with a 386-8X.

2021 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match

And a couple of pictures:

In the tent at MCSC
Another shot inside the Tent
The Winners of a bottle of Brut: L-R: Mike Ruhlman, Don Hicks, Kyle Matzelle, Al Matzelle

This ends the matches for 2021.  Watch this spot for information about matches in 2022.  The Winter league generally starts in March and runs through April.

2021-2022 Snow Country Results Update

As of December 19, 2021 we have the following results:

2021-2022 Snow Country Match 1

2021-2022 Snow Country Match 2

2021-2022 Snow Country Match 3

2021-2022 Snow Country Match 4

The matches are done for December.  We wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Our next matches are in January:  Grand Rapids – 6th, Howell – 8th, Monroe 15th, Muskegon 15th.  Program is:  2021-2022 Snow Country English Match Series

2021 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match Results

Eleven stalwart shooters came out on a cold (28 degrees F) overcast day.  Fortunately, other than contending with cold fingers and feet, the wind Gods were docile.

The high shooter amongst the seven (7)  F-Open shooters was Dave Monette with a 399-25X, besting Tony Dekelaita who posted a 396-17X.

In the small end of the range we had four (4) sling shooters.  Three (3) were scoped service rifles, and one (1) lonely Palma rifle.  Of the service rifles the high score was Tom Feige with a 384-10X.  The lonely Palma rifle was Leo Cebula with a 386-11X.  Leo was sorry he wasn’t at his winter home in Arizona….

2021 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match

The next match is tentatively the 2021 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match.  Watch this site for information on its schedule.

2021-2022 Snow Country Kick-off Matches

Okay, I apologize I was off in Arizona enjoying the weather, and wasn’t able to get these posted until I came back.

We have four competitions that have been held so far, two at Howell, one at Monroe, and one at Grand Rapids.  As such, we have scores for matches 1, 2, and 3. For match 3 only one score has been posted, so I did reports on matches 1, and 2. Match 3 will be included once I have another match 3 score.

2021-2022 Snow Country Match 1

2021-2022 Snow Country Match 2

Our next match is the 2021 Annual Foul Weather on November 27, 2021 (aka the “Get Away from the In-Laws Match”).

The Snow Country Matches continue in December with the first on the 4th at Howell.  Program is: 2021-2022 Snow Country English Match Series

2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match 5 Results

Eleven (11) shooters came out for the last Mid-Range Prone League match of 2021.  After a lengthy delay due to fog, the match commenced.

We had a sprinkling of every category for this match.  High (and only) Any rifle was Peter Church with a 596-35. High F-Open was Kelley Neeley with a 594-26.  High (and only) F-TR was Ed Gostomski with a 593-29.  High (and only) Palma Rifle Shooter was Ray Gross with a 599-31.  Lastly, high service rifle shooter was Kyle Matzelle with a 575-15.

2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 5

Our next match at Midland Country Sportsman’s Club is the 2021 Halloween BSA Charity Match on October 23, 2021.

2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 4

It was a pleasant, if a little cool September morning.  The winds were certainly present, and did cause some difficultly, but were not terrible.  We had seventeen (17) competitors and finished by Noon.

A few photos showing the shade we had in the early morning and Dave Monett’s first string.

The highs by rifle type:  Marcel Bollinger, 597-38X, High F-Open.  Ed Gostomski, 576-23X, High F-TR, Leo Cebula, 588-16X, High Palma Rifle, John Luitink, 581-23X, High Any rifle, Kyle Matzelle, 577-18X, High Service Rifle.

Complete results:

2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 4

Our next match will be the last of the Suburban Mid-Range Prone Matches for 2021, it is scheduled for October 9, 2021.  Program is here: 2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League.

Remember, we have the Halloween BSA Charity Shoot on October 23, 2021.  Program is here: 2021 Halloween BSA Charity Match.

2021 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship Results

September 5, 2021 was a somewhat dreary, overcast day, but with relatively gentle conditions.  Once again, we filled the line with thirty-two (32) competitors.

For any rifle the winner was Matthew WIeczorek with a score of 593-20X.  For F-Open we had a contest.  The F-Open was won by Marcel Bollinger with a score of 598-40X, followed by Bret Solomon with a 597-40X, and Dave Monette with a score of 596-30.

For F-TR the winner is Larry Remsnyder with a 592-31X, and finally Palma rifle was won by Raymond Gross with a 597-30X.

We did have two service rifle shooters, of which Jason Quayle was high with a 580-18.

2021 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship Results

Our next match is September 19, 2021 at the Midland Sportsman’s Club:  2021 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League