2017 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match Results – November 25, 2017

It rained on the way up to the range, and then it cleared.  Then as the last shooters were finishing it rained again.  Thankfully not hard, but enough to get everyone damp.  So the match lived up to its namesake:  Annual Foul Weather.

We had ten (10) shooters, unfortunately only seven (7) turned in score cards.  So the results shows a couple of F-Opens, a few F-TRs and a couple Slings.  The high F-Open was Eric Fabus with a 394-18X.  The high F-TR shooter was Ray Gross with a 398-20X.  Lastly, for the first time in a number of years, the high sling shooter was Leo Cebula with a 399-23X.

The final results are here:

2017 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match

This completes our normal outdoor events for 2017.  However, depending on weather we have the potential of running a New Year’s Eve match.  Watch this spot for details.

Just for a little color, Ray Gross and his Golden Retriever puppy in the pits at MCSC:



2018 Snow Country English Match Series

The dates for the 2018 Snow Country English Match Series have been posted for Monroe, Muskegon, and and Jackson.  Look over the program at:  2018 Snow Country English Match Series.

This year we have one notable change:  All matches will be Any Sight.  This change was made to accommodate high power rifle shooters who compete in Service Rifle (CMP) or Cross the Course matches, which have changed to all any sight.  Moreover, it provides a degree of simplicity for all shooters.

2017 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Results – October 14, 2017

Well, notwithstanding looking like we would drown in the heavy rain fall, three intrepid shooters showed up.  Whether they were just looking for an excuse to get out of the house, I won’t comment.  However, we checked the app “Dark Sky” and it told us we had an hour of no rain fall.  So we put up two targets and shot.

Starting about at 9:30 AM, we finished at about 10:45.  All three of us had fired our sixty shots (in some cases more).  Importantly, until the last ten minutes it hadn’t rained.  When it started to rain it was only a slow drizzle.  Just enough to make you damp.

At any rate we had two F-Open shooters, and one Sling.  The high score for the day was an F-Open shooter, Terry Scurlock with a 591-22X.

I don’t know if it was the fact that we had dodged the weather, or if people just wanted to shoot, but everyone left the range smiling.  I guess that made it worth it.

2017 SMRP – Match 6

Please note the next match at Midland is the Halloween BSA Charity Match.  It will be held on October 28, 2017.  It is a 3×600, and scoring will be provided by the Midland Explorer Crew.  The program is available here.

2017 September Mid-Range Prone League Match Results

It was September, but it was hot, like August hot.  With the F-Class Nationals starting I didn’t expect a huge number of shooters.  We had twelve, which is a pretty good turn-out.

After the software upgrade, and antenna replacements, we had only minor problems with a single target, and those were resolved with a reboot.  So we were able to complete all of the shots for all of the competitors by about 12:30 PM.

For a change we had a lot of F-Open shooters, the high shooter was Steve Goyette with a 594-28X.  For sling shooters, Chris Whitney was high shooter with a 597.34X, closed with an outstanding 200-17X in the last stage.

Even with the heat, it was a good day.  Our next match will be on October 14, 2017.


2017 SMRP – Match 5

2017 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League – Match 4 (August 2017)

Well, in a number of ways it was a special day.  With the Canadian F-Class Championship just finishing, and the World F-Class Championship starting I figured to have an easy, short day.  I should know better.  A total of seventeen (17) shooters arrived for this morning’s match. Then to top it off, Mom Nature decided it was time to run the natural sprinkler system. More on that later.

Unfortunately, we had one shooter withdraw due to an equipment issue.  So we show only sixteen scores.

In the Sling category, Peter Church was high shooter with a 598-40X. For an almost 79 year old, this was another impressive score.  In the F-Open, Marcel Bollinger was high with 596-35X.  In F-TR, Bob Lorenz (who has the privilege of my signature on his DD-214!) was high with a 596-35X.

Additionally, we had three Junior shooters, Sydnie Lipski, Allen Cox and Connor Parsons.  Its been a long time since we had Junior shooters competing in this league.  We were happy to see all of them!

Now back to the sprinkler system. The first time Mom Nature turned them on, I was quick enough to cover my gear, and to slip into Pete Church’s vehicle. So, I stayed dry. The second time I had just finished my sighters of my last string. Frankly, I don’t think the rain helped my performance. However, I did learn that my Eddie Bauer shorts, and UA socks dried almost immediately after the rain stopped. Thank goodness for small favors!

The results: 2017 SMRP – Match 4

Our next match is September 2, 2017, and will be the Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship. This competition will be fired at 300, 500, and 600 yards.  The program is available here:  2017 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship.  Please note the change to the sighting requirements for sling (Any Rifle) shooters detailed in a previous post.  This year we will allow any sights for all shooters.  The sling shooters will meet at the completion of the match to discuss sighting requirements for the 2018 State Championship.

2017 Mid-Range Prone Championship

Please note, the program for this match indicates rule 3.2 Any Rifle for the rifle type for Sling/Target Rifle.  We did not specify rule 3.7(a) to specify metallic sights.

Additionally, with the changes to the rules regarding sights for service rifles, and match rifles for National competition, we will be treating this match as having three categories:  Any Rifle (Rule 3.2), F-Open (Rule 3.4a) and F-TR (Rule 3.4b).

The Any Rifle category will allow any sights as provided by Rule 3.2.

At the completion of the competition, we will conduct a competitor meeting to discuss whether or not some portion of the Mid-Range Prone Championship should include a portion that requires metallic sights as provided by Rule 3.7(a).  However, for 2017 this match will be conducted with any sights for Any Rifle (sling) competitors.

2017 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 2 Results

We had a wonderful day for shooting.  Bright, high seventies to low eighties for temperature, calm winds.  Unfortunately, this resulted in a low turn-out (only six shooters). However, leveraging the electronic targets meant with two relays on only one sling target. We started at 9:00 AM, and finished shooting right at 11:00 AM.

A single notable score was a 599 fired by Chris Whitney using a .223 Remington.  A very nice performance.

2017 SMRP – Match 2

Our next match of the Suburban Mid-Range League is scheduled for July 15, 2017. Course of fire is a 3×600. The program is available here: 2017 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League.

2017 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League – Match 1

After three weekends in a row for the Winter Mid-Range Prone League, we conducted the first of the Suburban Mid-Range Prone League matches.  Twelve (12) shooters came out for the first of these for 2017.  They enjoyed a brisk, but sunny morning.  However, they were challenged by a heavy buffeting wind that rocked scores across the board.

The High Any Rifle (Sling) shooter was Jake Bondy, with a 594-31X.  Notably, Jake cleaned the first string with a 200-14X.  An absolutely outstanding score in the wind we experienced today.

The High F-TR shooter was John Roethlisberger with a 589-28X.  Given the wind another outstanding score.

2017 SMRP – Match 1

Our next match is the May 27, 2017 (the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend), and will be the 2017 Michigan Fullbore Prone Championship.