2018 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match 1 Results

The first Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match of 2018 was held on Saturday, May 12, 2018.  On a cool, dark day we had nine (9) competitors, plus one who decided it was too cool to shoot.  The rest of the group commenced fire shortly after 9:00 AM, and finished around noon.

There was no precipitation, and it slowly warmed a bit, we moved from the low 40’s to the mid-40’s.  Not a day to work on your tan, but a decent day to shoot a rifle match.

The high Any Rifle shooter was Ray Gross with a 598-31X.  High F-Open was Ed Gostomski with a 595-29X, chased closely by Steve Goyette with a 595-28X.  High F-TR shooter was Junior shooter Sydnie Lipski with a 587-22X.

2018 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 1

The next match of 2018 is the Michigan Fullbore Rifle Championship on May 26, 2018.  Program is:  2018 Michigan Fullbore Rifle Championship

2018 Winter Mid-Range Prone Match 5 Results

Well, it was supposed to be warm, and I suppose it was sorta warm, in the low 40’s. However, we didn’t count upon the wind, which was 10-15 MPH, and added a chill to make your hands uncomfortable.  So scores were a bit lower than expected.

High F-TR shooter was Josh Moore with a 390-12X.  High Any Rifle shooter was Peter Church with a 393-23X.

2018 Winter Mid-Range Prone Match 5

Our next match will be the start of the Suburban Mid-Range Prone League on May 12, 2018.  That will be followed by the Michigan Fullbore Rifle Championship on May 26, 2018 (Saturday of Memorial Day weekend).  The programs are available:

2018 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League

2018 Michigan Fullbore Rifle Championship

Please note the Fullbore Prone Championship is limited to 25 competitors (five relays on five targets).  If you are interested go to the Michigan Rifle and Pistol Association web site, and enter.

2018 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 5

Match 5 is ON for Saturday, April 28, 2018.  The weather forecast shows partially cloudy with temperatures in the 40’s.  For spring in Michigan, it should be a good day.

Course of fire will be a 2×600.  The program is here:  2018 Winter Mid-Range Prone.

[wunderground location=”Midland, MI” numdays=”5″ layout=”table-horizontal”]

2018 Snow Country Shoot-Off Results

On a cold day in April, we conducted the Annual Snow Country English Match Series Shoot-Off.  For the first time we had a Shoot-Off for F-Class competitors as well as Any Rifle (Sling) competitors.

As a result we proportioned the invitations based upon the relative proportion of competitors for each category.  As such we invited seven (7) Any Rifle, and four (4) F-Class shooters.

The Any Rifle Winner was Kevin Nevius with an 1184-68X, followed by Leo Cebula, 1180-60X, and Dan Altman with a 1179-58X.  For the F-Class competitors, Josh Moore was Winner with a perfect 1200-109X, chased by Ed Gostomski with a 1197-88X and Al Moore with a 1195-86X.

Kevin Nevius, Any Rifle Winner (Left), and Josh Moore, F-Class Winner (right), flank Leo Cebula, Match Coordinator

Results:  2018 Snow Country Shoot-Off Results

2018 Winter Mid-Range Prone Match 3 Results

They said it would rain, there was a high wind warning.  Fiery hail was expected, well really not.  However, something kept shooters away.

On an overcast, and relatively still morning, we had four (4) shooters arrive, and two shot personal bests.  Not sure what kept everyone else home, Easter Saturday is usually a great time for a match.  Today not so much.

The high F-TR shooter was Scott Burr with a 399-30X, his personal best.  There were no F-Open shooters.  The high Any Rifle shooter was Leo Cebula, with a 400-24X.  His first string was a 200-16X, which is about as good as he could remember shooting for a twenty shot string.

2018 Winter Mid-Range Prone Match 3

Next match is tentatively on April 6, 2018.  Watch for a post to confirm or postpone.

Leo’s first string:

2018 Snow Country Final Results

As of March 24, 2018 the Snow Country English Match Series is complete.  Below you will find the final results.

2018 Snow Country Match 1

2018 Snow Country Match 2

2018 Snow Country Match 3

2018 Snow Country Match 4

2018 Snow Country Match 5

2018 Snow Country Match 6

2018 Snow Country Aggregate

The following persons are invited to the 2018 Snow Country Shoot-Off:

  • Sling Shooters:  Kevin Nevius, Gary Duda, Leo Cebula, Matt Gorby, Dan Altman, Jamie Root, Jason Piatek.  
  • F-Class Shooters:  Al Moore, Joe Kennedy, Josh Moore, Ed Gostomski

The Shoot-Off will be held on April 7, 2018 at the Jackson County Sportsman’s Club (see Snow Country Program for address and directions).  We will start no later than 9:00 AM (however, if everyone has arrived and is ready we could start earlier).  The Shoot-Off course of fire will be two sixty (60) shot matches fired in stages of twenty (20) shots with Any Sights.


2018 Winter Mid-Range Prone Match 2 Results

Mom Nature decided to give us another nice day.  Although it was 23 F when I opened the range at about 9:10 AM, by the time we were shooting it was in the 30’s and by the time we finished in the 40’s.  For Michigan it was almost tropical.

Fourteen shooters for this match.  High F-TR shooter was John Pierce with a 399-21X.  High F-Open was Jake Oswald with a 396-12X.  Lastly the high sling shooter was Matt Gorby with a 398-25X.

2018 Winter Mid-Range Prone Match 2

The next potential match is March 24, 2018.  Watch here for details.

2018 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 1 Results

We had a good turnout for the first Winter Mid-Range Prone league match on March 3, 2018.  Twelve (12) shooters turned out.  The high scorer was F-TR competitor John Roethlisberger with a 397-19X.  The high F-Open was Scott Burr with a 395-20X.  High sling was Chris Whitney with a 399-16X.

It was notable that Chris fired his first 600 yard clean with a legal service rifle in his first stage, a 200-12X.  Good job, Chris!

2018 Winter Mid-Range Prone Match 1

2017 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match Results

Well, we did it.  We fired another New Year’s Eve Rifle Match.  This was a 2×600, and everyone completed.  Admittedly, when I looked at the temperature just after finishing breakfast with Ray Gross and Bret Solomon, I was a little concerned:

Here is what I saw:

Somehow, I didn’t think it would warm up to 30 degrees F by 10:00 AM, when the match was scheduled to start.  However, my confidence that we would not be struck by lightening was very good (why Weather Bug thought it was important that the nearest lightening strike was 1568 miles away, I don’t know).

However, we countered with a tent, and two heaters (one a central space heater, and the other a Salamander that projected heat).  So the eight (8) competitors who arrived to shoot were able to experience a better day than was obvious

For as low as the temperature was, the only real complaints were numb trigger fingers, and uncomfortable feet.  By the way, it warmed up to about 3 degrees F by the time we finished.  Quite a match.

The high F-TR shooter was Ray Gross with a 397-17X.  High Sling Shooter was Leo Cebula with a 395-21X, and high F-Open shooter was Bret Solomon with a 391-17X.  Each were awarded with a bottle of sparkling wine (in keeping with the time of the year).

Complete results:  2017 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match Results