2019 Mid-Range Prone League Match 4 – Results

It was just about a perfect day to shoot.  Somewhat cool, somewhat overcast. Temperature was hanging around 70.  Winds were gentle (in fact I shot all three strings without ever looking at the wind, it was almost like shooting gallery).

Unfortunately, no one shot clean for the sixty shots, and the only twenty shot clean was fired by John Pierce shooting F-TR.  Also, John had the high score for the day a 597-30X shooting F-TR.  The high F-Open shooter was Jim Weinrich with a 590-26X.  High any rifle shooter was Leo Cebula (me) with a 595-26X.

2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 4

Our next league match is October 12, 2019.  The program is here:  2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Championship

2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match 3 – July 4, 2019

On a bright, sunny day, seventeen shooters gathered for the third match of the 2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League.  Three (3) sling, seven (7) F-Open, and seven (7) F-TR shooters enjoyed the gentle winds and pleasant temperatures.

High Sling (Any Rifle) shooter was Peter Church, with a perfect 600-33X.  Pete can really shoot his “ratgun” (.223 Remington).  High F-Open was Marcel Bollinger with a 598-26X.  In the F-TR category, Tom Fisher almost had another clean, but got caught for a single nine in the third stage.  As such, he completed with a 599-39X.

2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 3

Our next match is the Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship scheduled for August 31, 2019.  Program is 2019 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship.

2019 Michigan Fullbore Rifle Prone Championship Results

On May 25, 2019 the Michigan Fullbore Rifle Prone Championship was held.  We had twenty competitors who chanced a poor weather report and came to shoot. Fortunately, we had nice weather, some overcast, gentle winds.  However, it did rain.  Shortly after the targets were put away we had some sprinkles.

Of the Twenty (20), we had nine (9) F-Open Competitors, four (4) F-TR, and surprisingly seven (7) Target Rifle (sling) competitors.

The Winner and State Champion for F-Open was Marcel Bollinger with a 445-18X.  F-TR was won by Steve Goyette with a 437-14X.  Target Rifle was won by Leo Cebula with a 447-21X.

Championship plaques will be available at the Suburban Mid-Range Prone June League Match on June 15, 2019.  Program is available:  2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Championship

2019 Fullbore Rifle Prone Championship

2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 4 Results

While the southeastern portion of Michigan got pummeled with rain, Midland enjoyed the sun and being dry. However, we did get wind.  Enough wind that there were no cleans today. The closest were the two sling shooters, who both managed one 198.

After firing one of the 198s on my first string with my Mousegun Palma Rifle. I thought, that was easy, if I hadn’t broke the two bad shots I would have been clean. Then I started the second string, and until my last five shots I don’t between I had two tens together, and no “X’s” until my very last shot.  Moreover, there was no predicting where the wind was moving me.

The high sling shooter was Ray Gross with a 392-25X.  Ray was using his Palma Rifle with 155s. The high F-Open shooter was Mike Ruhlman with a 387-13X.

2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 4

We had one other “fun” faux pas with Tony Dekelaita. He had 60 rounds of ammo, but only 40 of them had primers. Over the years, we have all made mistakes, but this is the first time I saw this one. He explains he ran out of one lot of brass, and just grabbed some more, without noticing that it wasn’t primed, yet.

We have the potential for one additional Winter League Match for 2019. That would be on April 27, 2019. Watch this spot for updates.  Program is:  2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program.

2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League – Match 3 Results

We had a small turnout for today’s match. Only four (4) competitors. We were greeted with low 40’s and high winds.  Aside from that, it was a pleasant shoot….

We had one each F-Open and F-TR, so those shooters are the high in their category: F-Open – Tony Dekeliata with a 386-10X, F-TR – Charley Hayes with a 374-8X.  In the sling category (Target Rifle) we had two Luddites (using metallic sighted Palma Rifles).  Ray Gross was high with points with a 397-17X, and Leo Cebula with high with “X’s” with a 396-18X.  I guess you could argue that everybody won today.

2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 3

The next potential date is April 20, 2019, which would be Easter Saturday.  Usually a good day for a rifle match.  Program is:  2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program


2019 Snow Country English Match Series – Final Results

We finally reached the end of the 2018-2019 Snow Country English Match Series. Two Winners were crowned:  Al Moore with a score of 1199-98X in the F-Class Category and Dan Altman with a score of 1184-61X for the Sling Shooters.  

Left to right:  Al Moore, F-Class Winner; Mike O’Connor, Jackson Sportsman’s Club; Dan Altman, Sling Winner


2019 Snow Country Shoot-Off


Photo Gallery:

This is the end of the indoor shooting until November.  Watch this site for information about the 2019-2020 Snow Country English Match Series.  We should be posting the schedule in October.

2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League – Match 2 Results

On a beautiful spring morning eight (8) competitors enjoyed the weather, and gentle breezes.

The high F-Open shooter was Marcel Bollinger with a 396-14X.  High F-TR was Scott Burr with a 393-14X.  Lastly, high sling shooter was Ray Gross with a 400-19X.

Complete results:  2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 2

Next potential date is April 13, 2019.  Program is 2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program