2020 Winter Mid-Range Prone Match 3 Results

Once again we had seven (7) shooters come out for a Winter Mid-Range Prone match.  The weather was better than the last one by about 6 degrees F.  Moreover, we noticed no COVID-19 virus beastie’s in the area.  We did however, shake hands by banging elbows.

The conditions were very good for shooting with just a little drift noticeable.  The high F-Open was Mike Ruhlman with a 390-15X.  He was closely chased by Tony Dekelaita with a 388-11X.  High Palma Rifle shooter was Ray Gross with a 399-28X.  Leo Cebula was chasing  Ray until he fired a shot on Ray’s target.  Then it was time to test loads with the 85.5 Bergers. Velocity looked good, but can’t seem to get two of them to hit the same hole.

Notably, we had two new shooters, Dave Monette, and his son Jake.  They fired F-Open for their first match.  I suspect we will see a singular improvement when they come up for their second shoot.

The results:

2020 Winter Mid-Range Prone – Match 3

The next scheduled match is on March 28, 2020.  Program is:  2020 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program

2020 Winter Mid-Range Prone – Snow Out!

Well, we tried.  Under normal circumstances we would have started shooting at 9:00 AM.  However, because this is the Winter Mid-Range we started at 10:00. Unfortunately, by 10:00 AM the snow had started, and after just a few shots, the targets were no longer visible.  We waited until after 11:00 AM, and from the weather maps things were not going to get better.

The Targets are UP!

So we called it off.  The next Winter Mid-Range Prone match is scheduled for February 29, 2020.  The program is 2020 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program.

2019-20 Snow Country Results – January 25, 2020

New results for the 2019-20 Snow Country.  A couple of high points:

  1. Our first sling 600 this year was fired by Dan Altman at Monroe.  A 600-42. Outstanding job, Dan!
  2. We have a group of F-Class Shooters who have begun firing re-shoots.  Per the program an unlimited number of re-shoots are allowed.  Each time you re-shoot you replace your lowest score.  For the re-shoots you will see a shooters name twice (three times? or Four?) in the results for a particular match.  We will likely see several this year.

2019-20 Snow Country Match 1

2019-20 Snow Country Match 2

2019-20 Snow Country Match 3

2019-20 Snow Country Match 4

2019-20 Snow Country Match 5

2019-20 Snow Country Match 6

Next matches in February:  6th Grand Rapids; 8th Howell; 8th Muskegon; 22nd Monroe; 22nd Muskegon.  Program: 2019-2020 Snow Country English Match Series

For those of you needing to get outside, Midland will be running its first Winter Mid-Range prone match on February 1, 2020.  This will follow the typical Winter Mid-Range rules regarding weather.  However, due to our heated tent, we will not cancel for temperature alone.  Program:  2020 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program

2019-20 Snow Country Results as of January 11, 2020

More scores from Howell and Grand Rapids:

2019-20 Snow Country Match 1

2019-20 Snow Country Match 2

2019-20 Snow Country Match 3

2019-20 Snow Country Match 4

2019-20 Snow Country Match 5

2019-20 Snow Country Match 6

New scores in matches 2, 3, and 6.

Next matches in January:  Monroe 18, Muskegon 25.

Note for you “hearty” folk, there is a Winter Mid-Range Prone match at Midland on February 1.  Program is here:  2020 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program