2017 Halloween BSA Charity Match Results

On a chilly, partially sunny morning the 2017 Halloween BSA Charity Match was conducted.  We had nine (9) shooters, and five members of Venture Crew 7772 from Midland in attendance.

The high score for the day, and high sling shooter (Any Rifle) was Mike Quillinan with a 596-29X.  The high F-TR shooter was Doug Boyer with a 596-25X.  High F-Open was a 595-28X.

In total $430 was raised for the Crew, with the majority a donation from Solomon Diving.

Venture Crew 7772 Member accepting donation checks from Bret Solomon, Solomon Diving

A Venture Crew Member firing Doug Boyer’s F-TR Rifle after the match completed.

The Final Results:

2017 Halloween BSA Charity Match Results

We have one more scheduled match outdoors at Midland for 2017.  That is the Annual Foul Weather Match scheduled for November 25, 2017.  That will be a 2×600, and will start at 10:00 AM (vice the usual 9:00 AM).  The program can be reviewed here.


2017 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Results – October 14, 2017

Well, notwithstanding looking like we would drown in the heavy rain fall, three intrepid shooters showed up.  Whether they were just looking for an excuse to get out of the house, I won’t comment.  However, we checked the app “Dark Sky” and it told us we had an hour of no rain fall.  So we put up two targets and shot.

Starting about at 9:30 AM, we finished at about 10:45.  All three of us had fired our sixty shots (in some cases more).  Importantly, until the last ten minutes it hadn’t rained.  When it started to rain it was only a slow drizzle.  Just enough to make you damp.

At any rate we had two F-Open shooters, and one Sling.  The high score for the day was an F-Open shooter, Terry Scurlock with a 591-22X.

I don’t know if it was the fact that we had dodged the weather, or if people just wanted to shoot, but everyone left the range smiling.  I guess that made it worth it.

2017 SMRP – Match 6

Please note the next match at Midland is the Halloween BSA Charity Match.  It will be held on October 28, 2017.  It is a 3×600, and scoring will be provided by the Midland Explorer Crew.  The program is available here.

2017 September Mid-Range Prone League Match Results

It was September, but it was hot, like August hot.  With the F-Class Nationals starting I didn’t expect a huge number of shooters.  We had twelve, which is a pretty good turn-out.

After the software upgrade, and antenna replacements, we had only minor problems with a single target, and those were resolved with a reboot.  So we were able to complete all of the shots for all of the competitors by about 12:30 PM.

For a change we had a lot of F-Open shooters, the high shooter was Steve Goyette with a 594-28X.  For sling shooters, Chris Whitney was high shooter with a 597.34X, closed with an outstanding 200-17X in the last stage.

Even with the heat, it was a good day.  Our next match will be on October 14, 2017.


2017 SMRP – Match 5

2016 Mid-Range Prone League – Match 6 Results

The 6th and final match of the 2016 Mid-Range Prone League was held at the Midland Sportsman’s Club on October 16, 2016.  Six competitors competed in the match, four sling and two F-Class.  The day started  with cool but clear skies in the morning, but got dark and felt like it was doing to rain during match 3. Every now and then a little wind would come through that could give you a wide 10.

Peter Church continues to amaze with another 599.  This one with 37X.  He was the high Any Rifle shooter.  Mike Quillinan, firing a scoped service rifle posted a 593-23X for the high service rifle category shooter.

Bob Lorenz fired a 595-30 with a “mid-range tactical rifle” for high F-Class.


Note that on October 29th we will be running our annual Halloween BSA Charity Match.  This year with the electronic targets we will be using members of the Midland Explorer Crew to keep score.  A portion of the match proceeds will be donated to the Crew, as well as a major donation from Solomon Diving.  The program is available at the following link:

2016 Halloween BSA Charity Match

Come on out.  Past experience is only about 10% of these matches has really sucky weather.  The other 90% are just Michigan fall days, which as a rule are decent, but cool.

2015 July Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match

We had thirteen shooters on what was for me personally the hottest day that I’ve shot on this year.  For all of that, it was only about 85 F.  Probably says something about how cool the year has been.

It was a still day, so scores should have been high, however, our shooters seemed to be dealing with a raft of equipment issues.  So other than the leaders, scores were down.

Amongst the sling shooters, Peter Church set the pace with a 599-29X with his Palma rifle.  Pete was clearly showing that he is ready for the 2015 National Fullbore and World Championships to be held at Camp Perry, Ohio in August.  Pete was closely followed by Paul Larson with a 598-31X.

In the F-Class category, the high F-TR shooter was Tom Majewski with a 589-21X, followed by Al Walewski with a 586-17X.

Our next match at Midland will be the Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship on Saturday, September 5, 2015 (the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend).  Watch our schedule pages for updates.

2015 SMRP Match 3


2015 Suburban Mid-Range Prone June Match

A gray overcast day, but light winds, and almost no rain (other than a couple of drips).  Seven shooters, with the simple majority going to the sling guys.  Probably the first time in a couple of years, where the sling weenies out numbered the F-Classers.  We’ll take it!

In the Sling category Leo Cebula and John Luitink both finished one down, but Leo posted 36X to John’s 34X.  In F-Class, F-Open shooter Jarrod Methner dropped only two for a 598-38X, impressing his fiancee (who we will never see again after the wedding) who observed the match.

The next match is July 11, 2015.  Look it up in Events.

SMRP Match 2

2015 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 1 – May

The first Suburban Mid-Range Prone league was held on Sunday, May 17, 2015.  We had eleven shooters, who had the opportunity to shoot on Silver Mountain targets.  By and large the experience was positive.

The match ran on three targets with four relays and consisted of a 3×600.  We started around 9:15 AM.  All four relays completed at 12:10 PM.  Right around three (3) hours to complete four relays of a 3×600.

SMRP Match 1

F-Class using tablet to view shot location and score

An F-Class competitor using a tablet to view shot location and value.

Sling shooter using tablet

Jake Bondy using a tablet as above.

Target with microphones at the corners

Target with microphones in the corners.

Target Controller

Target controller.