2020 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match 3 Results

On a sunny, but surprisingly cool morning (try 33 F in September), we had twelve (12) shooters compete in the third Suburban Mid-Range Prone match of 2020.

Ray Gross shot the score he should have shot two weeks ago in the State Mid-Range Prone Championship. However, today he busted a 600-39Xs. It certainly wasn’t Ray’s first 600, and hopefully not his last either. It was a very nice score from a .223 Palma Rifle.

Mike Ruhlman was high F-Open with a 597-34X. Lastly Doug Boyer was the only F-TR shooter, and finished with a 573-8X, a far cry from his State Championship finish. We have to wonder what broke.

2020 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship

The 2020 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship was held on Saturday, September 5, the year of the Coronavirus (2020). There was a few of milestones reached for this match:

  1. The largest turnout we have ever had. We had 32, which is capacity. We have had matches prior that filled to capacity the week before, but with “morning of” cancelations we had never had a full line before.
  2. During this match we added competitor 424 in our database (Robert O’Donnel). At the same time we had competitor 1 from the database (Ed Gostomski) as a competitor.
  3. For the first time in a long, long time, we had more sling shooters than F-class (Thank you, Jamie Root!).
  4. We had sufficient entries to have awards for five categories: F-Open, F-TR, Any Rifle, Palma Rifle, and Service Rifle.

The day was overcast and ultimately rainy. After a vote was conducted it was decided to shoot the entire match at 600 yards, and to deploy our rain covers on the line. So, you tended to get damp when you weren’t shooting, but you and your equipment stayed dry while you were shooting.

So, we have quite a list of winners:

Any Rifle: Chris Whitney with a 599-37X, out Xing Matt Wieczorek who posted a 599-25X.

F-open: Mike Ruhlman wins in a run away with 598-34X besting Dave Strycharz with a 593-25X.

F-TR: Doug Boyer with a score almost high enough to win in F-Open 598-33X. It was a contest with Austin Nelson finishing second with a 596-34X.

Palma: Hanne Brantner won the Palma Category with a dominating 598-39X over Jamie Root with a 593-29X. Since Hanne is not a Michigan Resident, Jamie is named high Michigan Palma Shooter.

Service Rifle: Tim Plowman fired a 587-20 besting Brock Murphy who fired a 583-22X. Unfortunately, neither Tim nor Brock are Michigan Residents, so Gordon Mason is named high Michigan Service Rifle Shooter.

2019 Halloween BSA Charity Match Results

On Saturday, November 2, 2019, we held our annual Halloween BSA Charity Match on the Midland County Sportsman’s Club. The day looked worse than it was. On the drive up there was spotty rain.  When we arrived at the club there was spotty rain.  However, it cleared off and other than being a bit cool (I define a “bit cool” as I didn’t feel like I needed gloves) it was a decent day to shoot.

We had a disappointing eleven (11) shooters, so we were finished by noon.  F-Open was won by Bret Solomon with a 597-37X.  F-TR was won by John Pierce with a 593-30X, besting Doug Boyer by 2X.  Target rifle was won by Mike Quillinan with a 597-34X.

2019 Halloween BSA Charity match

Bret Solomon (far right) presents checks to members of Explorer Crew 7772 at the completions of the 2019 Halloween BSA Charity Match.

2019 Winners: (left to right), Bret Solomon, F-Open; Mike Quillinan, Any Rifle (sling); and John Pierce, F-TR.

The next match planned at the MCSC is the Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match on November 30, 2019.  Program is here:  2019 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match.

2019 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship Results

On a sunny, cool beginning of Labor Day weekend, thirty competitors took part in the 2019 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club.

The day resulted in some outstanding performances.  Jack Abrams won the Any Rifle (Any sight sling shooters) with a 595-29X.  Jack used a scoped rifle with LoaderMonkey ammunition.  In second was Steve Bair with a 595-19X using an iron sighted Palma Rifle.  A great performance by both.

In the F-TR Category, Sydnie Lipski, a Junior from Hubbard Lake bested the field with a 590-30X, beating second place shooter Austin Nelson with a 589-26X by a single point and four X’s.

F-Open was won by repeat winner Marcel Bollinger with a 595-29X leading Ed Gostomski’s 590-24X.  Notably, the conditions must have been worse that last year, Marcel had posted a clean 600, a year ago.

We had a few bumps in the road during the match, but we may have learned from them.  At 300 yards, we were unable to open the file folder on the running access point.  So there was no way to see past strings.  We were concerned that this might be the precursor of worse things to come, so we switched over to another access point for 500 yards.  Unfortunately, for reasons that we suspect, but have not yet been confirmed, that access point was displaying shots 20-30 seconds after the round was fired.  At 600 yards we went back to the original access point and performance once again jumped to 1-2 seconds for each shot.  We still couldn’t open the files folder, but the performance was excellent.  We are exploring with the Shot Marker manufacturer why that might be.

Way on the right on target eight, Ray Gross and Leo Cebula were getting wide unexplained shots at 500 yards.  Since I’m old enough (Leo) to not always see well, I attributed it to my vision.  However, Ray was using a scoped AR, and had no trouble seeing.  After a little detective work we realized our bullets were penetrating the lower foliage of the tree on the far right of the range.  Ray removed some lower branches and leaves before the 600, and I (Leo) was able to shoot a decent 600.  Ray, firing an AR, that was likely not as flat as my 80.5 Bergers at 3050 fps, shot his string on target 3.  Both of our scores were dramatically higher.  I think this means its time for some more landscaping at Midland.  At least on Target eight.

2019 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship

Our next Suburban Mid-Range Prone League match is on September 21, 2019.  The program is here:  2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Championship

2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Match 2 – June 15, 2019

It was an odd day.  It looked like it wanted to rain, so we put out the rain canopies. So I suppose that is why it didn’t rain. We had a good turn out (for a league match), of twelve (12) competitors.

Of note was a new shooter, Bruce Clothier, shooting F-Open who finished with a 600-36X.  An outstanding score!  High F-TR was Scott Burr with a 593-31.  Ray Gross was high Target Rifle (Sling) shooter with a 598-34X.  Compete results below:

2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 2

2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 1 Results

On Saturday, May 11, 2019 the first match of the 2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League was held.  We had thirteen (13) competitors, who enjoyed a bright, sunny day with temperatures in the high 40’s and low 50’s.  It was a delightful, Michigan Spring Day.

Of our crowd we had three (3) F-Open competitors, lead by M. Ruhlman with a 580-15X.  Five (5) F-TR competitors ruled by Tom Fisher with a 589-23X.  Lastly, there were five (5) Sling Shooters, all using metallic sights.  Ray Gross continued his winning ways with a 593-34X.

2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 1

The next match at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club is the  2019 Michigan Fullbore Rifle Championship on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, May 25, 2019.

The next match of the 2019 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Championship is on June 15, 2019.

2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 4 Results

While the southeastern portion of Michigan got pummeled with rain, Midland enjoyed the sun and being dry. However, we did get wind.  Enough wind that there were no cleans today. The closest were the two sling shooters, who both managed one 198.

After firing one of the 198s on my first string with my Mousegun Palma Rifle. I thought, that was easy, if I hadn’t broke the two bad shots I would have been clean. Then I started the second string, and until my last five shots I don’t between I had two tens together, and no “X’s” until my very last shot.  Moreover, there was no predicting where the wind was moving me.

The high sling shooter was Ray Gross with a 392-25X.  Ray was using his Palma Rifle with 155s. The high F-Open shooter was Mike Ruhlman with a 387-13X.

2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match 4

We had one other “fun” faux pas with Tony Dekelaita. He had 60 rounds of ammo, but only 40 of them had primers. Over the years, we have all made mistakes, but this is the first time I saw this one. He explains he ran out of one lot of brass, and just grabbed some more, without noticing that it wasn’t primed, yet.

We have the potential for one additional Winter League Match for 2019. That would be on April 27, 2019. Watch this spot for updates.  Program is:  2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program.

2018 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match

After our rousing success in 2017 we are doing it again this year.  The match will be a 2×600 with unlimited sighters on electronic targets.

We will have a heated tent to shoot out of (if desired), so bring your mirage bands.  Last year at -5 F, it was quite doable.  This year looks to be much warmer, so come on out!

Note, we will review the weather the morning of Sunday, December 30, 2018.  If there looks to be credible chance of dangerous weather (freezing rain or similar snow conditions) we will cancel the match.  If we it will be announced on this site.  So watch this spot.

Program:  2018 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match

2018 Halloween BSA Charity Match Results

On a cold Saturday, just after Halloween, MCSC held their annual “Halloween BSA Charity Match”.  This match was held for the benefit of Venture Crew 7772 from Midland, Michigan.

Crew member keeping score for Marcel Bollinger.

In the past the Crew would provide the pit service, however, since the implementation of electronic targets at MCSC, we have used the Crew as scorers.

Unfortunately, due to the cold weather, we had an unusually small turnout for the match.  With only eight (8) shooters, all the participants received a “Top Ten” hat to commemorate the match.

The high F-Open was Bret Solomon with a 588-22X.  High F-TR was Tom Fisher with a 595-30X.  High Sling shooter was Mike Quillinan with a 598-32X.  Even with the chill the scores were still good.

The complete results:

2018 Halloween BSA Charity Match

The crew with Bret Solomon:

This is almost the last match for Midland for 2018, we have just the “Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match” scheduled for November 24, 2018 left.  Program is available here:

2018 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match

Get away from your in-laws and turkey left-overs and come on out!