2019 Snow Country English Match Series – Results to January 12, 2019

Today was an exciting day at Monroe.  Well, sort of.  We had eight (8) shooters, and Muskegon had four (4).  So we are getting into the swing of this winter league.  Except for relatively no snow.  It’s early, yet.  I’m sure Michigan will provide an opportunity to use my snow shoes this winter, eventually.

Back to the exciting.  While clearing my firing point, I accidentally dropped my rifle:


This explains why I’m having an IPA while I do the results.  Fudge!

Okay, the up to date scores:

2019 Snow Country Match 1

2019 Snow Country Match 2

2019 Snow Country Match 3

2019 Snow Country Match 4

The next matches are:  January 26 – Howell, February 9 – Muskegon, February 16 – Monroe.  Still time to get in your four (4) matches to qualify for the Shoot-Off.


2019 Schedule Posted

The 2019 Schedule for outdoor Mid-Range Prone and Fullbore Prone matches at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club has been posted under “Events” on this site.

We have planned:

Every Saturday in March and April are potential dates for the Winter Mid-Range Prone League.  These are 2×600’s, for F-Class and Sling.  They run dependent on weather.

May 11, June 15, July 6, September 28, October 12 for the Suburban Mid-Range Prone League (3×600’s, F-Class and Sling)

May 25 Michigan Fullbore Championship (300, 500, 600, F-Class and Sling) Enter at http://www.michrpa.org.

August 31 Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship (300, 500, 600,  F-Class and Sling) Enter at  http://www.michrpa.org

October 26 Halloween BSA Charity Match (3×600’s, F-Class and Sling)

November 30 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match (2×600’s, F-Class and Sling)

We haven’t posted anything for a New Year’s Eve Match, but there is still time!

See you at the range!

2018 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match Results

On December 31, 2018 eight (8) shooters made it to the Midland Sportman’s Club for the annual New Year’s Eve Rifle Match. Unlike last year where the starting temperature was -5 F, this year we had relatively pleasant temperatures in the low 30’s, and inside the tent it was probably approaching 50 F (nearby the heater, of course).

A few snap-shots of the competitors:

Results:  2018 New Year’s Eve Match

High Sling Shooter was Ray Gross with a 397-21X.  High F-TR was Tom Fisher with a 398-23X.  High F-Open shooter was Tony Dekelaita with a 397-21X (I suppose we could be caty and mention that he was the only F-Open shooter, too).

That was our last match of 2018 (there wasn’t anything left of the year).  We will likely begin the Winter league in March.  The program and dates are available here: 2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program.

If the weather is “frightful” you may want to consider the Snow Country English Match Series:  2018 Snow Country English Match Series.


2018 New Year’s Eve Match is ON!!

The 2018 New Year’s Eve Match is ON. We expect to have temperatures in the 30’s F, and no rain or snow until afternoon.

So, for your last chance in 2018 to shoot a rifle match, come on out.

[wunderground location=”Midland, MI” numdays=”5″ layout=”table-horizontal”]

2018 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match

After our rousing success in 2017 we are doing it again this year.  The match will be a 2×600 with unlimited sighters on electronic targets.

We will have a heated tent to shoot out of (if desired), so bring your mirage bands.  Last year at -5 F, it was quite doable.  This year looks to be much warmer, so come on out!

Note, we will review the weather the morning of Sunday, December 30, 2018.  If there looks to be credible chance of dangerous weather (freezing rain or similar snow conditions) we will cancel the match.  If we it will be announced on this site.  So watch this spot.

Program:  2018 New Year’s Eve Rifle Match

2018 Pre-New Year’s Eve Rifle Match

We saw an opportunity with a nice Saturday in December and decided to shoot a match.  Small turn out, only five (5) competitors.  However, we enjoyed a day that was only slightly cool.

In terms of milestones it was the last time that our original Silver Mountain Targets were used in a match.  We used two (2) of our original five (5).  After the match all five (5) were packed to be shipped to another club.  When the transaction is complete we will be replacing our original targets with Shot Marker eTargets.  We expect to be using them for our Winter Mid-Range Prone league starting in March of 2019.

Our high F-TR competitor was Jim Grissom with a 399-10X.  High Sling Shooter (Palma) was Ray Gross with a 399-22X.

2018 Pre-New Year’s Eve Rifle Match

We may try to run a New Year’s Eve match.  If so, it will be run on December 31, 2018 (is there anyone who was surprised by the date?).  It is entirely dependent on the weather.  Last year we ran it on a day that dropped to -5 F at starting time.  So, it will not be a function of temperature driving our decision.  However, heavy snow, or ice would cause us to pass on running the match.

If 70 degrees F sounds better, I recommend our Snow Country English Match Series, program:  2018 Snow Country English Match Series

Winter Mid-Range Prone League – Match Dates

The Winter Mid-Range Prone League Match dates are posted.  The following are potential dates (depending on weather):

March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2019

April 6, 13, 20, and 27, 2019

Program is available here: 2019 Winter Mid-Range Prone League Program

Watch this site for information about weather and match status (on or postponed).

[wunderground location=”Midland, MI” numdays=”5″ layout=”table-horizontal”]


2018 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match Results – November 23, 2018

With the move of a day from Saturday to Friday, we had a much lower turnout than last year, only six (6) shooters.  However, those chosen few enjoyed moderately warm temperatures and a sunny day.

The high F-Open was M. Ruhlman with a 393-10X.  High and only F-TR was Scott Burr with a 398-17X (also, high F-Class shooter for the day).  High sling shooter (Palma Rifle) was Ray Gross with a 398-22X.

2018 Annual Foul Weather Rifle Match

A couple pictures of what we found at the range:

The shooter in the foreground isn’t swearing at the snow, just putting on his jacket.




This match was the last outdoor match scheduled for 2018.  As we get closer to New Year’s Eve we will evaluate whether or not to run a New Year’s Eve Shoot.

However, in the interim, try the 2018 Snow Country English Match Series.  Look in “Events” for locations and course of fire:  Program is 2018 Snow Country English Match Series.

2019 Snow Country Match 1 Results – November 17, 2018

Match One (1) of the 2019 Snow Country was fired at Muskegon and Monroe this morning.  A total of twelve (12) competitors competed.

Of note in F-Class, Steve Jones fired two 10X cleans to start the year.  Quite a performance, moreover he finished the day with a 599-52X.  Makes you wonder what happened with the one nine (9)….

Next scheduled matches are in December.  Howell has the first of December, and then Monroe on the 22nd.  Look in “Events” for more information about future matches.

2019 Snow Country Match 1