2016 Independence Day Challenge

Well, the day was absolutely glorious.  Still, and in the high 60’s and low 70’s.  We had ten shooters, five each of F-TR and Any Rifle.

Turned on the targets and they all worked.  Moreover, they worked all day.  No problems.  We squadded short people on target one, so we were getting good RF propagation for the WIFI.  So things worked really well.

In the Any Rifle arena, Paul Larson nailed a 599-34X.  That’s a heck of a score for any sling shooter.  Given Paul is completing his first round of Chemo for cancer, it is almost unbelievable.

Paul was being chased by Jake Bondy, who posted a 596-27X.  Additionally, look at the second two scores posted by Mike Quillinan, a 197-9X, and a 198-12X firing a scoped service rifle.  He used the first stage to get zeroes.

Over in F-TR land, Tom Majewski posted a 593-25X to best the field.  Ray Gross was chasing him with a 589-23X.

The next match is on July 16, 2016 and will be a 3×600, and the July match of the Suburban Mid-Range Prone League.

2016 Independence Day Challenge – Results