2018 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League Final Match Results- October 13, 2018

On Saturday, October 13, 2018 the Final Match of the 2018 Suburban Mid-Range Prone League was conducted at the Midland County Sportsman’s Club.  Surprisingly given the temperature we had seventeen (17) competitors.

During the match I took a couple of interesting pictures:

We had four sling shooters (including Josh), the high shooter was Ray Gross with a 597-35X.  The high F-Open competitor was Bill Stumpf with a 590-21X.  The high F-TR competitor was Christine Howe with a 585-19X.

Results are here:

2018 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 6

The next match will be the Annual Halloween BSA Charity Match on November 3, 2018.  The program is available here:  2018 Halloween BSA Charity Match

Please note:  MSU upset Penn State 21-17.  So, I didn’t need to use too many of these:

Go Green!

Remember:  Get out on November 6, 2018 and VOTE!!!