2024 Suburban Mid-Range Prone Match 3 Results

Fourteen (14) shooters came out on a glorious summer day to fire the third Mid-Range Prone league match for 2024.  No rain, hail, snow or any of the other things that Michigan periodically does to us.

Five (5) F-Open shooters were led by Cruz Stoneburner with a 593-21X. He was followed closely by Dave Monette with a 592-29X.

In F-TR we had three (3) shooters. Peter Church was high with a 584-19X.

For Service Rifle we also, had three (3) shooters. The high was David Richmond with a 588-23X.

2024 SMRP Match 3

The next match at Midland will be the Michigan Mid-Range Prone Championship on August 31, 2024. You can see the program and enter at the Michigan Rifle and Pistol Association website:  https://michrpa.org/event-5536286.