2023-2024 Snow Country Shoot-Off Competitors

First Last Category Aggregate
Joshua Haan Collegiate/Junior 2299.1
Sophie Wildemann Collegiate/Junior 2213.5
Miranda Howell Collegiate/Junior 2132.7
Nathan Abrams Collegiate/Junior 1142.1
Matthew Houston Collegiate/Junior 552.9
Don Nguyen Collegiate/Junior 521.8
Spencer McClure Collegiate/Junior 521.7
Levin Lewis Collegiate/Junior 394.1
Dave Strycharz F-Class Prone 2559.5
Eric Moe F-Class Prone 2551.3
Ed Gostomski F-Class Prone 2548.7
Wayne Haase F-Class Prone 2545.5
Steve Jones F-Class Prone 2545.4
Bret Solomon F-Class Prone 2531.2
Mark Javit F-Class Prone 2529.6
Jim Kampman F-Class Prone 2528.5
Marcel Bollinger F-Class Prone 2523.5
Jay Baker F-Class Prone 2449.1
Sylvie Schrader F-Class Prone 2429.6
Charles Hayes F-Class Prone 1830.3
Kreg Meyer F-Class Prone 1717.3
Cameron Zwart SLING Prone 2495.1
Dan Altman Sling Prone 2479.4
Jamie Root Sling Prone 2460.7
Timothy Sarchett Sling Prone 2456.3
Gary Duda Sling Prone 2454.3
Joe Bakies Sling Prone 2435.6
Larry Remsnyder Sling Prone 2420.3
Charlie Reynolds Sling Prone 2397.7
Steve Fenske Sling Prone 2301.3
Hanne Brantner Sling Prone 1772.4
Harold Pangilinan Sling Prone 1210.6
Adam Baker Sling Prone 969.1
Timothy Knapp Sling Prone 568.4
Jack Abrams Sling Prone 486.6

Competitors shown in Blue have qualified for the 2023-2024 Snow Country English Match Series Shoot-Off. Be at the Jackson County Sportsman’s Club ready to shoot at 9:00 AM, Saturday, April 13, 2024.