2020 Suburban Mid-Range League Match 2

On Saturday the 18th of July 2020, we got together for the second Mid-Range Prone Match of the 2020 season. If all had been well, this would have been fired on July 4, 2020, and the Michigan Fullbore Championship would have been fired on May 23rd. However, thanks to Coronavirus that was not to be.

At any rate, this was the third weekend in a row that had a match on it. The 4th was the Fullbore Championship, the 11th and 12th was the Michigan Long range championship, and finally the 18th was this match. That kept the turnout low. Six (6) Shooters, and only five (5) scorecards turned in.

Our day was increasingly warm, and humid. However, we pulled out the awnings and we were able to cover the line and finished by 11:30 AM. As payment for the heat and humidity, Mother Nature gave us easy conditions. For a couple of strings, it felt like weather to check your zero in.

The High Target Rifle Shooter was Ray Gross with a 597-32X, beating Jamie Root, 597-25 by seven (7) “X’s”. The high and only F-Open shooter was Marcel Bollinger with a 592-22X.

2020 Michigan Fullbore Prone Championship

After a coronavirus delay of about seven (7) weeks the 2020 Michigan Fullbore Prone Championship was finally held. Twenty-one (21) shooters participated in this years event. We had eight (8) F-Open shooters, five (5) F-TR shooters, seven (7) Target Rifle (Sling) shooters, and one Mid-Range prone shooter with an Any Rifle who shot for fun.

The F-Open was a contest between Marcel Bollinger and Al Barnhart. Marcel was victorious with a 447-22X to Al’s 446-29X.

In F-TR, Paul Phillips dominated the field firing a 445-23X compared to his second place challenger, Tom Martelle who posted a 441-21X.

In the Target Rifle (Sling) category it was a run for the money between visiting Hanne Brantner from Pennsylvania and Midland local, Ray Gross. Hanne was the winner with a 449-28X over Ray’s 448-29X. Per Michigan Rifle and Pistol Association rules, Hanne cannot be named Michigan Champion due to residency. As a result, Ray is named the Target Rifle Champion.

2020 Fullbore Champions: (left to right); Paul Phillips, F-TR Champion; Hanne Brantner, Target Rifle Winner; Ray Gross, Target Rifle Champion. Not Pictured: Marcel Bollinger, F-Open Champion.